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the continuing saga of me not getting fucked for a while.
08.08.2003 | 5:06 p.m.

thick, wooly heart made of feeble baby parts and baseball sewing string; dust and hairwad-turned-birds-nests UP FOR TRADE WITH: grainy, graphic, 2D heart... full of gravity and slurpies and keyboard sounds.

will buy/sell.


don't you see how beautiful she is? there are birthmarks on her shoulders and she's got the prettiest of eyelashes. her style and her taste are not fleeting or rebuffed. she's talented and sexy and if that is not enough: there are diamonds in her ice box, and a closet made of thrift... the albums spin around her room in such a way that she can never get away. she dances dances dances spins until she makes up her mind and finally dazes off and when she wakes up she wants to find you there, hoovering over her face- she's a launching pad a landing pad, now land!!! make it so! don't miss those lips. this is your only chance? should you pull that thing out so early in the game? a little shy ant told me that you should probably keep that boy inside because if she sees it she will label you: COWARD. where can you find this dainty glitter flesh? she knows. you know. go. go. go! 9:00pm might be a good time? or later...

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