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lovely day for death
07.09.2003 | 1:30 p.m.

...the sliver in his thigh was growing at an alarming rate. he hadn't planned for this. you never plan for this kind of thing. as the outpouring of gushy red life was increasing, he was remembering the most fantastic moments of his life:

(the water would cover my head and i was surrounded in this ocean of dark mystery and for all i knew, there would be sharks circling me like vultures, and i would start to panic, and kick, and little by little, i would begin to swallow water, and feel dizzy, going under- then there she was. there she would be. picking me up out of the depths, and gracefully laying my body upon the shore, the waves touching my toes. mouth to mouth, she wouldn't stop when i came to. kiss. kiss. hold. kiss.)

(a slap to the face, i would yell back at her and say, 'fine. this is what you want? you've broken my heart, and this is our final dance. she would have no reply, and retreat back to our living room and wheel of fortune would blare loudly, and all i could hear outside of our humble home was the muffled audience and bought vowels with 'ding!'s every time they hit the screen. i sat there for hours, days... weeks. no reply. it was the day of my death, or so i thought, and there she was. an angel. her eyes. she lowered herself to the curb and kneeled beside me. no words. magnetized by her radient skin, i pulled my face to hers, and she touched my lips with her gloved hand, then pulled the white satin away from her fingers, touched my face again, and kissed my burden away. kiss. kiss. kiss. touch. kiss.)

she is my angel, and now i lay here, and the blood has filled the tub and i can't move, and with each breath comes more blood and i can't tell if it's coming in or going out... everywhere. she is nowhere to be found.

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