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strange brew kill what's inside of you
08.03.2012 | 7:26 p.m.

you never look at me i am not pretty you are too busy looking in other directions i cannot believe this is happening to me there is no way out i am stuck in this life forever until it ends my wrists shake and call my name they tell me i am beautiful they crave my touch they need me they need me they need me there is no more pain when i think of it all ending i love this bliss i love this moment make it forever i love you i love you i feel your breath it is so warm i stretch my beautiful body and i allow the pain to suffer slowly out i feel so tired i am so tired a little by little i find such a beautiful light i find the silence and i don't even have to cling, i just float there and i am warm and i am weightless and there are burning pains but there is some magical pill the numbs me to warm soft tingling all over i am loved no words for my lover all honesty and all slow all slow language it is my body and my spirit my soul and my beautiful brain and my beautiful fingertips and hair and my beautiful skin and everything inside of me that makes me so beautiful
i don't need a husband's love. i enjoyed it, but if it is not there, then i know i have the inside love i have had my whole life to take care of the pain that subsides.
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