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in training for years.
05.16.2005 | 7:03 p.m.

"or the arm could bend like so,"
"yes. i see,"

you and your arms. you aren't that deaf. you are you and your arms. i can see the fabric soaking.
i can see your fabric soaking to your skin. i can wonder about your arms, soaking.
her arms wrap around your belly you are soaking and laughing. you are laughing. you are laughing. you are not just living in bodies. you are bodies. you are bodies. you are soaking. the fabric soaks through skin. my fabric soaks through you soak me through we soak your arms my arm is indecent wrap around wrap fully. soak it through you are dirty you are a dirty fabric you are soaking sweaty soaking soaking buff and soaking you are a minefield you are not strong you are not but you are soaking her arm is waving oh look she is buff you are not strong she is wrapping now you are soaking i am watching i hide i am soaking we are wrapping.
i am tending. i am kneading.
i'm repulsive. you are soaking.

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