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my grinder has lips so it sings:
05.07.2004 | 8:10 p.m.

what what you yeah you ah well we think alike don't we well

well yeah um you yuh you i think we think alike don't we.

yeah don't we

my grinder's beat to mush come over

my grinder

yeah come over let's um oh yeah well come over and lets

my grinder ain't busted mr. i'm toasted

let's get it on the beat down

yeah oh


yeah you


right let's um i'm a okay

ah oh yeah let's i think we are alike

let's do this i'm busted.

i'll get the jar of honey bees you sweet sugary thing.

let's think like the break yeah let's break down

let's video tape yeah oh uh! let's uh! do it for the tape down! .


fuck it's faster than it is tighter than it is funner than it is busted so let's bust it.

let's uh you are smarter you figure it out! oh ouch! oh h hohooh.. no no yeah yeah let's do it oh fuck yah.

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