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it was nice touching.
03.11.2004 | 6:19 p.m.

i have never enjoyed the giving of head or the smelling of bodies as much as last night. my thighs... i had to "shake it out" but i never did. it just worked itself out.

it was a beautiful mix of everything i wanted all at once ever in life all in one bed on the walls in the windows on the sheets in my hands on my tongue in the trash can. and there i went. out and back and to the couch i've spent my nights to the father who is so good at pointing out my flaws FUCK HIM and to the 6pm headache i've conquered so many times.

it's all worth it because it is. for strange people like us there are only a few moments like that in which we share together.

if we would all unite, there'd be total anarchy and the suburbs would ignite with lust.

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